Ewa Sawosz Chwalibóg

Research by prof. Sawosz focus on nanobiotechnology, especially on the use of nanostructures as carriers of functional compounds in anticancer therapy. Research carried out by the team of prof. Sawosz concerned of the use of platinum and silver nanoparticles as well as graphene nanoflakes, fullerenes and nano-diamond in the treatment of selected brain and liver cancers. The next area of research was the search for the mimic extracellular matrix - scaffolding, based on GO, stimulating the formation of pseudo-muscle tissue. The next studies included work on the use of the GO-nanoAg complex as an antibacterial and antiviral substance, including against SARS-Cov-2. These studies demonstrated the strong anti-inflammatory properties of GO as a "scavenger" of pro-inflammatory proteins.
Scientific achievements of prof. E. Sawosz has 126 publications, 2600 citations, H-index - 30, (according to Web of Sci. cc). The research allowed to obtain 9 patents and 6 patent applications in the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, as well as one patent in the EU and USA.