Keynote topics

Asoke K. Nandi

Asoke K. Nandi (Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Cambridge (Trinity College), Cambridge, U.K., in 1979. He has held academic positions in several universities, including Oxford University (U.K.), Imperial College London (U.K.), University of Strathclyde (U.K.), and University of Liverpool (U.K.), as well as Finland Distinguished Professorship with Jyvaskyla University (Finland). In 2013, he moved to Brunel University London (U.K.), to become the Chair and Head of Electronic and Computer Engineering. He is a Distinguished Visiting Professor with Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. 

Arvid Lundervold

Arvid Lundervold, BSc, MD, PhD is a professor in medical information technology and physiology at the University of Bergen, Norway. He is also, together with Alexander S. Lundervold, heading the Medical AI group at the Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre, Haukeland University Hospital ( His current research interests are in the fields of medical image processing and machine learning related to multimodal and functional MR imaging (in brain, kidney and in oncology). The research over the years also includes mathematical and statistical modelling in the context of computational medicine. He has been programming in C and later MATLAB, R and Python for more than 35 years and produced >200 publications with a google scholar h-index of 47 and Erdös number 4.

Sławomir Hausman

Sławomir Hausman received his M.Sc. degree in electronics in 1982 from Lodz University of Technology (Poland), PhD degree from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, the UK in 1990, and DSc degree from Lodz University of Technology in 2009, where he is currently employed as a university professor. 

His research focuses on radio propagation modelling, assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields, wireless body area networks, radar, optimization of radio communication systems, metamaterials, and digital signal processing.

Michael Gelinsky, FBSE

Michael Gelinsky received his PhD in Chemistry from Freiburg University (Germany). In 1999 he moved to Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) and worked for around 10 years at the Department of Materials Science, heading his own group at the newly founded Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials from 2002. In 2010 he was appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and head of the Centre for Translational Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue Research ( at TU Dresden. His work is focused on biomaterials and scaffold development, tissue engineering and regenerative therapies, mostly for musculoskeletal tissues.

Ewa Sawosz Chwalibóg

Prof Ewa Sawosz Chwalibóg, DSc, PhD, has been a researcher at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences since 1986. She was the head of the Analytical Center (2001-2003) and then the head of the current Department of Nanobiotechnology (2003-2020).